Monday, July 28, 2008

9 Month Re-Cap

Hey guys!
Sorry it's taken me so long to update you on Avery's 9th month. Here's a re-cap of this month's happenings...

Avery weighs 18 lbs & 1 oz. She's 27 & 3/4 inches long. She has 4 teeth coming in on top (you can see two of them in the pictures). She's not crawling, but she gets wherever she wants to go by scooting on her bottom. Her hands are into everything!! She started pulling up. She doesn't do it consistently, but she does it when the mood strikes her. She loves to "walk" with Daddy. She loves to be in the water. She's always "talking" and just started growling this week. :) She looks at Daddy, Mommy, Grandmommy, Papa and Maddie when you ask her where they are. She's happy most of the time, except when she's cutting 4 teeth. :) She likes to give kisses and dances when she hears music. Her Great-Aunt Elaine gave her the doll that she's attacking in the pics. It's actually a collectible Middleton doll, so this was the first time she got to touch it.

We had an eventful month...Avery went to her first Wimbledon brunch (no we didn't go to London) and looked fab in her Adidas tennis dress (thanks Aunt Jenny), she celebrated her first 4th of July with a dip in the "sweeter" Stubblefield pool with Daddy and a family BBQ, we went to Austin with the Corsos and Sullivans, we celebrated Mommy's b-day with a game night at Aunt Ali & Uncle Alan's house, we celebrated Grandmommy's b-day at Purple Cow and we have spent lots of time playing with Maddie & Connor!!

Avery will be 10 months old on August 2nd. Yikes!! We'll be planning her first birthday party very soon. :)


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