Thursday, November 27, 2008

thankful today

Thankful today for so many things. Some shallow, some deep, but still thankful.

Thankful for....
15. lipgloss
14. my favorite jeans
13. my comfortable bed
12. wine with a good meal
11. dogs
10. coffee
9. ipod & dvr (i guess just technology in general)
8. freedom
7. music
6. organ donors (random I know, but my Aunt Jenny is waiting for a heart)
5. family & friends
4. birthmoms who choose adoption
3. the miracle that is my sweet daughter
2. my amazing husband
1. a savior who loves me despite myself

Speaking of my sweet daughter, here are some fun 13 month pics. Our little love loves to explore and escapes at every chance with her signature "scrawling" (with great speed I might add), so we finally got smart and got a baby gate. Avery hated the gate when we first got it and I was able to get a picture of her crying about it... yes, she actually cries sometimes. :) Still no walking. Lots of cruising and the occasional few steps, but I'm not getting worked up about it. She'll walk when she walks. I'm enjoying watching her "scrawl" and loving that she's still a baby, not a big walking girl quite yet. She's doing so many fun things right now.....blowing kisses, doing her own versions of Pat-A-Cake and Itsy Bitsy Spider (or just Itsy Bitsy as we call it), pulling up her shirt to show us her belly button and giving "lovey-loves" (hugs & kisses)when asked. It's soooo cute that she says "mmmmwaaaa" when she gives kisses because that's what I do to her. Daddy likes to show her off and have her "perform" when we're with family. She was the absolute star of the show today. :)

"The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song." Psalm 28:7

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

hope trifecta said...

And, thank you for the update! I am blessed to see God work in the Stubblefield's life! Love you, talk soon.
