Monday, September 1, 2008

11 months tomorrow

These are the last of the 10 month pics. My little love will be 11 months old tomorrow. Although I'm in denial about her 1st birthday approaching, I have started to plan her party.

So, let me tell you about this sweet girl... she has such a personality!! Over the last few weeks she's started saying "hi" and waving...and the funny thing is, is that she knows exactly what she's doing. She does it at home to us and the dogs, but also at the grocery store, Wal-Mart, Target, the mall, restaurants... wherever she sees people. She says hi and if she doesn't get a hi back, she says it louder until whoever she's talking to responds! People can't get over it. They think it's the cutest thing they've ever seen... this tiny thing saying hi and waving to them like she's a big girl. She absolutely loves people. I can't imagine what it will be like when she can actually carry on conversations. (and her daddy thinks I'm a talker... he's in for it!) :)


1 comment:

Amy Dawn said...

I can totally she Avery making everyone's day by waving and saying Hi! So cute! Annabelle's "Hi" and "eye" are so similar that in order to figure out what she is meaning, you have to see if she is moving her fingers slightly or pointing! Ever word she has comes with a sign that she has made up-thankfully!