Not only am I a bad blogger, but I'm also a bad reader. Just a few years ago when I had a little more time on my hands, reading was something I really enjoyed... and not just the reading of blogs, status updates or tweets.. the reading of actual books!! I love books. I love being surrounded by them in bookstores, I love having them on my nightstand, I love holding them and sometimes falling asleep with one in my hands... love them, I just have trouble finishing them lately. These days, my standard operating procedure is to start two or three books at the same time and after a few days they inevitably end up sitting next to my bed collecting dust. Of course, one or two of them get chosen to go on vacation and trips with me, and one usually ends up in my car just incase I have a few minutes while I'm waiting to pick up Trevor, but they never actually get read. So, my goal for next month is to finish at least one of the books I've started. Lofty, I know... but my goal nonetheless.
I used to read... promise! These are the last 3 books I can recall reading in somewhat of a timely fashion:
The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini
Same Kind of Different as Me- Ron Hall & Denver Moore
The Memory Keeper's Daughter- Kim Edwards
Here are the books that I've started that are currently stacked up next to my bed(okay... so it's more than 2 or 3):
So Long, Insecurity You've Been a Bad Friend to Us- Beth Moore
Eat, Pray, Love- Elizabeth Gilbert
Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God- Francis Chan
Adopted For Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families & Churches- Russell D Moore
Sheperding A Child's Heart- Ted Tripp
My Sister's Keeper- Jodi Picoult (In my defense, I've had to put this one down several times.. the subject matter is hard for my mother's heart.)
Christian Beliefs- Wayne A Grudem
A Sweet & Bitter Providence- John Piper
Books I want to buy, but won't until I finish at least one from the list above:
Choosing to See- Mary Beth Chapman
Momfidence! : An Oreo Never Killed Anybody and Other Secrets of Happier Parenting- Paula Spencer
Instructing A Child's Heart- Ted Tripp
I'll keep you posted on my progress... hold me to it! :)
I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who does this. Come on, you can tell me. What's in your "stack"?